Our spring’s natural base defines our essence. Transparency and nutrition are aspects that we apply in the AlunCo philosophy.

Our priority is taking care of our environment and our planet’s inhabitants. We provide high quality water that is healthy and nutritious for human beings.

Work Practices
Work Practices

We work on fundamental labour rights and job security. We encourage constant training and the search of a working environment that promotes quality in the work life.

Relationship with Clients
Relationship with Clients

In our relationship with our clients there is the constant challenge to provide them not only with the best service, but mainly with the best product.

Government Business
Government Business

Our CSR practices are based on 8 themes: Strategic orientation; Ethics; Commitment towards the interested parties; Transparency; Legal and Fiscal compliance and Integrity.

Relationship with providers
Relationship with providers

We work together with providers and we choose to be responsible buyers while stressing the importance of sustainability and looking after our environment.

Environmental Management
Environmental Management

We choose to take up the challenge of bettering the environmental impact by maintaining competitively. Working in an efficient use of the resources; Preventing contamination; Sustainable methods and programs of consciousness-raising.

Social investment
Social investment

Our practices go hand in hand with meeting our community’s necessities. We work in teams with NGO’s, we train micro entrepreneurs and we collaborate with the social economic theme of “buy local”.

Water’s Harmonization
Love and gratitude
Love and gratitude
Thank you
Thank you

Water’s harmonization consists in aligning its molecules through vibrations and positive stimuli, putting it in harmony with its surroundings. This process is done by respecting and taking care of the water. In AlunCo we harmonize the water in our factory, following the principles of Masaru Emoto’s theory.

What is it?
Water’s harmonization consists in aligning its molecules through vibrations and positive stimuli, putting it in harmony with its surroundings. This process is done by transmitting energy, intentions and thoughts of love, and respecting and taking care of the water. At the same time it feeds off musical notes that, when we drink and it enters our organism, allows it to provide a balance in us with positive vibrations. This permits us to feel better physically, mentally and emotionally. In Alun-Co we harmonize the water with a frequency of 432 Hertz, which is life’s frequency.
Water harmonization was discovered by Dr. Masaru Emoto from Japan. By studying magnetic resonance and observing different samples of frozen water from different sources, he discovered that water’s structure is reflected in the crystals that change according to the messages and energy that are being transmitted.

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